Thursday, May 21, 2020
Life Is A Challenge For The Health Care System - 996 Words
Life is a challenge Growing up in a country were the poverty exists, and ranked among the highest death rates in the world; due to war and idiopathic diseases, in which affects thousands of citizens with unknown-ability to cure. Each year thousands of innocent children loses their lives, due to lack of the health care system. That is my home country Iraq, in which I born and raised up to age of seven years old, until my parents made a quick decision in order to help me and my sister, to find a better place for us to live in peace. My mother she was like a bodyguard to me, she always took her responsibility at me when I was at school, she used to stand the whole entire school day, in order to make sure that I don’t need anything, and to be protected when am at school. My sister she was old enough to be responsible by her own, she was in her last year high school, as soon as she turned eighteen years old; the life situation becomes really hard for a young woman willing to join t he society, in which the male population is dominate over the women’s. While my dad buzzy at work to keep our house filled with our necessarily needs such as: food, clothes, and paying the tremendous amount of bills. He also offered the best environment to keep us feel protected. Many more days have gone, and the country it gets worse than before until my dad had received a night phone call from a stranger who threatened him, and told him don’t come to work again or otherwise you will putShow MoreRelated Challenges to the UK Health Care System Essay1165 Words  | 5 Pagesoffered its citizens a universal health care system that is free at the point of service. Funded primarily by taxation, the system is popular and efficient. 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